Thursday, February 11, 2010

Public Speaking Tips and Skill You Can't Live Without

Yeah, right, like its that easy I often speak in front of groups, and I still get nervous prior to every speech or presentation. Each and every time.

That being said, Surprisingly — it has been noted that Sir Winston Churchill and President Lincoln even got quite apprehensive prior to giving talks.

Regrettably, regardless of the amount of ledgers, courses of instruction, DVDs, web pages or fast talkers assure to “cure” you of your public speaking apprehension, it is never that plain, or that smooth. Having said that, there are a number of skills, strategies and tactics to use to relieve the dread and anxiety associated to public speaking.

Public Speaking Skills to Master

Preparation - Truly understand your material and you will truly be prepared.

Commit to Learning - Remember the old saying, practice makes perfect. Practice until you are bored of practicing, then practice more

Survey The Room - Familiarity breeds comfort. Its so important to feel comfortable with the room.

The Room is on your side - The vast majority of the time, the listeners in the room want to see you do great, not fail. This is one of the best public speaking strategies.

Music Calms - Music in your ear gets you in the right mindset. It helps by eliminating outside misdirection and chasing away anxiousness.

Remember, while you may feel nervous inside, you don't look as nervous as you feel on the outside!

What Speaking Tops You Can Learn from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

How many times have you seen speakers fail to show good eye contact, speak in a drone tone or rush through each idea? Is it common to leave a speech without remembering what the main points were? Can you remember talks or speeches that had no energy?

Dr. King’s use of pace, modulation and pause during talks is world class. It is not possible to sleep during his presentations. Its impossible to walk away indifferent after hearing him give a presentation. MLK uses vigor to entrance the listeners so you should as well!